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Canola is an oleaginous species, of the cruciferous family, standing out as an excellent economic alternative for use in crop rotation schemes, particularly with wheat, reducing the disease problems that affect this cereal and making the production of vegetable oils possible in the future. Winter. It also brings benefits to crops such as soybeans, beans and corn, grown in the summer harvest. It also serves for the production of oil for human consumption and bran (with 34 to 38% of proteins) for the formulation of feed. For more information about this product, contact Celena .

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The sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an annual dicot of the Compositae family, has registered great growth and conquered significant space in the scenario of national and World agricultural production. It has high profitability in the production of bran and oils for human and animal consumption, which generates positive results in the production chain. For more information about this product, contact Celena .


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a cereal used in human food (flour, pasta, biscuits, cakes, breads, etc.). It is also used in the preparation of non-food products, as well as in animal feed, in the form of forage. , grain or feed composition. For more information about this product, contact Celena .

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