Canola seed is of high quality and health, which are the fundamental factors for starting a good crop. Celena works with seeds, supplied by the companies Advanta Sementes and Atlântica Sementes - Nuseed, providing the most stable and productive hybrids for the Brazilian market. The seeds are adapted to the climatic conditions of Rio Grande do Sul and other states. For more information about this product, contact Celena .
Sunflower seed is highly productive and stable. Celena works with the seeds, supplied by the companies Advanta Sementes and Atlântica Sementes, providing the most suitable hybrids for each region of the Brazilian soil.
High Oleic: The solution found to reduce the content of so unwanted TRANS fat in processed foods. The oil obtained from high oleic sunflower (AO) has a fatty acid profile modified by a conventional process (Hybrid) which, due to its characteristics (lipid profile), does not oxidize easily (rancid) avoiding the partial hydrogenation process, and, as a result, it does not generate TRANS fat. The population will be able to taste their industrialized foods (biscuits, cakes, ice cream, chips, etc.), with excellent flavor and without hydrogenated TRANS fat. The production of sunflower Alto Oléico, from the company Celena Alimentos S / A is obtained through the Hybrids ADV 5504 and Nusol 4510 CL, as well as research developed with other hybrids in order to be commercialized, with greater yield and precocity.
Conventional: Conventional sunflower oil is obtained from seeds, Aguará 6, Altis 99, CF 101, and Nusol 4170CL.
For more information about this product, contact Celena .
Celena works with a specific grain wheat project, producing wheat for biscuits, using the ORS 25 and Tbio Alpaca varieties. The project aims to provide greater profitability and liquidity over wheat production in winter, where we segregate from planting to harvest, aiming at greater marketing security for producers and the availability of products according to the specifications required by the mills and industries. For more information about this product, contact Celena .