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The LILÁS Oils line was launched in 2000, following a trend of reducing the consumption of saturated and trans fats in food.

Based on CELENA's agricultural pioneering in grain origination, it was launched in parallel to the cultivation of canola in Brazil - PROJETO CANOLA 2000.

Lilac Canola Oil had a differentiated launch when it was initially marketed in metal packaging with a dosing nozzle - an innovation for oil packaging.

This was followed by the launch of Lilac Sunflower Oil, also the result of a new program for the origination of sunflower culture in Brazil.

Complementing the line of so-called special oils, Lilac Corn Oil was recently added.

Today, in addition to these special oils, the traditional Lilac Soy Oil is also part of our family.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Canola oil


Pretty healthy, canola oil is one of the vegetable oils that bring the most health benefits. It is the oil that has the highest Omega 3 content.

( Click for comparison )

Sunflower oil


Rich in Monounsaturated, it is a premium oil with wide use in food preparation.

Corn oil


Rich in omega 3 and 6, which increase blood flow and reduce cholesterol. Contains vitamin E, antioxidant, and vitamin A, which protects against vision problems.

Soy oil


Vegetable oil with widespread use due to its lipid profile suitable for food preparation.

Third-party packaging

With a filling capacity of 5 million PET bottles of 900ml per month, Celena offers the option of selling vegetable oils (soy, canola, sunflower and corn) packaged under the client's own brand, thus providing further development of the same.

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